Monday, June 16, 2014

Washing raw chicken can lead to food poisoning, health experts warn

About alberto de leon(Washing raw chicken can lead to food poisoning, health experts warn)VoxA-4      ..................................................................................................................................................................                                                                                                                                                       ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Washing raw chicken spreads the campylobacter bacteria - the most common cause of food poisoning.... onto hands, work surfaces clothing and cooking surfaces.                                Campylobacter can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea and vomiting, and in some cases death.....                                                                                                                                               Those most at risk are children and older people.
Poultry is the main source of the bacteria, which can also cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can leave victims paralysed                                                                                                                                        "Campylobacter is a serious issue. Not only can it cause severe illness and death, but it costs the economy hundreds of millions of pounds/dollars.... a year as a result of sickness absence,"       ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................        ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Washing raw chicken can lead to food poisoning, health experts warn

michelle ruzzene yahoo7 lifestyle
Want to avoid food poisoning? Don't wash your chicken.
Washing raw chicken can lead to food poisoning, health experts warn
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don't wash raw chicken, health experts warn (getty)
Don't wash raw chicken, health experts warn (Getty)
Washing raw chicken can lead to food poisoning, UK health experts have warned.
The UK government body, Food Standards Agency, said that running raw chicken under the tap could spread a type of bacteria known as campylobacter, which is responsible for causing diarrhoea.
The FSA advised that washing uncooked chicken can spread bacteria across kitchen surfaces through splashed water droplets, The Telegraph UK reports.
FSA chief executive Catherine Brown told the UK newspaper their research found that washing raw chicken was common practice.
''That's why we're calling on people to stop washing raw chicken and also raising awareness of the risks of contracting campylobacter as a result of cross-contamination,” she said.
Food Safety Information Council executive officer Juliana Madden told Yahoo!7 washing chicken was also commonplace in Australia, but was “a waste of time”.
"There is nothing to be gained from washing chicken,” she said.
“You have to assume all chicken contain the bacteria campylobacter and salmonella.
“But the way to kill these bacteria is cooking poultry right through, which makes it safe to eat.”
Campylobacteriosis is a gastrointestinal disease caused by the bacteria campylobacter.
It is one of the most common causes of bacterial gastroenteritis in Australia, according to NSW Health.
Food poisoning results, on average, in 5.4 million cases a year including 120 deaths, 1.2 million visits to doctors, 300,000 prescriptions for antibiotics, and 2.1 million days of lost work each year, according to the Food Safety Information Council.
The estimated annual cost of food poisoning in Australia is $1.25 billion.
Infection can occur at any time of the year, but is more common the warmer months.
Most people who become infected with campylobacter will experience diarrhoea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever that lasts from one to two weeks.
Common symptoms usually develop within two to five days after infection and, in rare cases, campylobacter can enter the bloodstream and cause more serious disease.
How to reduce the risk of cross contamination from raw poultry:
Do not wash raw poultry before cooking as this will spread any bacteria throughout your kitchen. You can mop up any excess moisture with paper towel.
Always wash and dry hands and clean surfaces after contact with raw poultry.
Defrost poultry in the fridge or microwave in a container which prevents juices dripping on other food.
Make sure the raw poultry juices do not contaminate other food, especially food like desserts or salads that won’t be cooked again.
Always use clean plates and utensils and wash and dry thoroughly between using for raw and cooked poultry. Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw poultry.
Also cook any poultry meat to 74°C using a meat thermometer in the thickest part or until the juices run clear and are no longer pink. Make sure frozen poultry is defrosted right through to the centre before cooking.

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Washing raw chicken raises food poisoning risk, watchdog warns

London (AFP) - You should not wash a chicken before cooking it, Britain's food safety watchdog said on Monday, in a new campaign to reduce food poisoning.
The Food Standards Agency said washing raw chicken spreads the campylobacter bacteria - the most common cause of food poisoning in Britain - onto hands, work surfaces clothing and cooking surfaces.
Campylobacter can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea and vomiting, and in some cases death. Those most at risk are children and older people.
Poultry is the main source of the bacteria, which can also cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can leave victims paralysed.
"Campylobacter is a serious issue. Not only can it cause severe illness and death, but it costs the economy hundreds of millions of pounds a year as a result of sickness absence," FSA Chief Executive Catherine Brown said.
The agency said some 44 percent of people always wash a chicken before cooking it, and that while most people had heard of salmonella and E.coli poisoning, only 28 percent had heard of campylobacter.


1 comment:

  1. I don't even know that the raw chicken lead to food poisoning. Thanks for sharing the useful information. Recurrent Abdominal Pain
