Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) really is a magical herb. Not only is it full of minerals -- calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, chromium, zinc, selenium, iodine, silicon, germanium and cobalt -- but it contains awesome phytonutrients known as triterpenoids. Triterpenoids promote collagen formation and have been shown to concentrate antioxidants into damaged tissue and increase the blood supply as well. Germanium is essential for the regeneration of DNA and for maximising nutritional wellbeing in the body. It also activates oxygen within the body enabling more to be available to the tissues and helps to restore T-cell balance thus heightening immune system function. Cobalt is the key mineral holding vitamin B12 together and yes, you get vitamin B12 in Gotu Kola. The Chinese herbologist Professor Li Chung Yun outlived 23 wives and claimed one of his major nutritional staples was Gotu Kola. He was born in 1677 and died in 1933 -- he lived an amazing 256 years, and it is documented by the Chinese government who celebrated his 150th and 200th Birthday with him. He still gave 3 hours lectures on longevity at the age of 200 for 28 weeks at a time. Ginseng was another herb promoted by Professor Li as contributing to maximum health and longevity (ginseng also contains germanium). He was a strict vegetarian who ate herbs that grew above the ground only and fruit of high alkaline mineral content -- the soils in which he cultivated his foods were rich in humus, minerals and microbial life.
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Once you've read these gotu kola facts, you'll understand why it is known as one of the most psychic and spiritually transformative, adaptogenic herbs.
To help you remember most of these gotu kola facts, just keep in mind the shape of it's leaves. According to the law of signatures, could you perhaps intuitively guess that gotu kola benefits the brain? Much like how the ginkgo biloba leaf is shaped like and affects the brain, gotu kola benefits and is shaped like a brain as well. Many of the scientific gotu kola facts I mention in this article match up with these traditional intuitive findings.
This herbal adaptogen is most often pronounced gotu kola, but some people will also say gota kola. It's latin name is centella asiatica and it is also known as Indian pennywort. Originating in India and revered by yogi's as a powerfully mystical anti-aging herb, all of the following gotu kola facts are tonic effects, meaning that it can be safely consumed for long periods of time without negative side effects. However, even with tonic herbal adaptogens, it can be helpful to rotate your usage of them by taking a few days or even one week off of them for every 2-4 weeks that you've been on them. This prevents your body from becoming "bored" with the adaptogenic herbs that you are taking and no longer getting the full benefits from them.
Traditional gotu kola facts and properties:
~Cooling, bitter and sweet
~Calming and supportive to the nervous system
~Increases intelligence and memory (prevents senility)
~Immune fortifying
~Increases hair and nail growth
~Strengthening to the adrenals
~Aids digestion
~Increases fertility
~Known to accelerate wound healing both internally and externally
~Shen tonic qualities (accelerates spiritual progress in those practicing esoteric disciplines by opening higher energy centres)
~Blood tonifying, circulatory and purifying qualities (often used for varicose veins)
~Skin cleansing (good for chronic skin conditions such as eczema, etc)
~Balances all three doshas (a rare quality even amongst herbal adaptogens, ginseng also does this)
~Used for opium detoxification (traditionally in Thailand)
As you can see, the above medicinal properties, that were determined through double blind testing, are very similar to the traditionally intuited gotu kola facts. By examining both perspectives (right and left brained perspectives that is, interestingly enough gotu kola is said to balance these out in the brain ;p) we can get the best idea of how gotu kola benefits health and longevity in humans.
One of the most amazing gotu kola facts is that it enhances the connective tissue through stimulating glycosaminoglycan synthesis without causing excessive collagen synthesis. This is how it can rapidly heal wounds while minimizing the build up of scar tissue. Over the long term, this property will also act on the skin to help maintain a youthful appearance.
In rats that have been placed in stressful living conditions, gotu kola benefits the adrenals by preventing their enlargement while also limiting excessive corticosteroid production. Yet another one of these great gotu kola facts was found in 1995 when it was found to be capable of successfully destroying cultured tumor cells in a laboratory setting (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 48, Issue 1, 11th of August 1995, pg. 53-57, article by T. D. Babu, G. Kuttan and J. Padikkala).
I personally became fascinated by all of these gotu kola facts after reading some of the folklore and stories surrounding it's use.
The great taoist herbalist and Jiulong Baguazhang master Li, Ching Yuen was aware of the wide array of gotu kola benefits. He purportedly lived to be 256 years old and partially attributed his extreme human longevity to consuming an organic tincture of rice wine with gotu kola, wild ginseng (probably the extremely rare, radioactive, heaven grade variety), he shou wu and licorice root on a daily basis, in small amounts.
Nanddo Narian, an Indian yogi who lived to be 107, claimed that the main health benefits of gotu kola could be attributed to a unique property found within it. This unknown quality was further researched in Algeria by the French where they discovered a compound that they called "youth vitamin X", which had a particularly tonic action on the ductless glands of the body. Nanddo Narian wasn't aware of these latest scientific gotu kola facts, yet he nevertheless came to the conclusion that gota kola was the finest of all herbal adaptogens (at least out of the all natural herbs available to him at that time in India).
From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, consuming a gotu kola tea would be the ideal method of consumption.
It would fall under the category of being a Shen tonic (due to it's effect on the nerves, brain and spirit) but it also has Jing tonic properties (due to it's effect on the connective tissue, blood and adrenals) as well as Chi tonic properties (due to it's effect on the digestion and immune system). The benefits of gotu kola can also be obtained through using store bought organic tinctures (certified organic since Indian herbs have a reputation for being contaminated due to low organic standards) or home made by buying it dried in bulk and extracting it. Of course, the benefits of gotu kola are going to be the most potent if you can get the herb fresh and eat it raw in a salad!
Another famous Indian herbal adaptogen, brahmi, has very similar properties as gota kola and they are both often used interchangeably. However, it has recently been sorted out that these two adaptogenic herbs are two different species. You might want to experiment with both of these herbs and determine which one you like better or whether you can feel any differences at all! Another herb that was mixed up with traditional gotu kola facts was fo-ti tieng. This mistake existed for many decades in the West, most likely as a translation error, but we now clearly know the difference between these two top anti-aging herbs (another possibility as to why they became confused is that they are often combined in formula together to rejuvenate the body and mind).
The proper dosage for getting the benefits of gotu kola tea is one (dry) tablespoon per cup of water(in an infusion once a day, or half that amount twice a day) or 20-60 drops four times a day from a 1:1 strength organic tincture. A great gotu kola tea is to combine it with holy basil and ashwagandha root, which are two other fantastic traditional Indian herbal adaptogens. This formula is particularly well balanced as you will equally tonify all three taoist treasures Jing, Chi and Shen (or all three Ayurvedic doshas if you prefer that perspective). Sweeten it with a bit of raw organic honey :) ..................................................................................................................................................................................
The gotu kola health benefits are not well-known but they are quite extensive, claim some reports. Various studies suggest that gotu kola has served as a potential ingredient in many of well- known folk medicines, since the last many centuries. As said before the health benefits of gotu kola are myriad, but the only thing is that they are underrated than most of the other herbs around. It won’t be an exaggeration, if we say that “the gotu kola is known to cure almost any and every ailment existing on earth.”
Gotu kola is mainly valued for its rejuvenative properties. The herb was popularly used for treating various nervous disorders, premature aging, epilepsy and senility. The gotu kola is the most revered herb of the plant kingdom and was valued for its powerful compounds. These compounds account for many of the well-known health benefits of gotu kola. We feel that it’s pretty difficult to recount each and every aspect of gotu kola health benefits in a single blog, but some of the most potential gotu kola health benefits are;
Supporting the brain balance: Ancient Indian medicinal text, Ayurveda describes gotu kola as the recreating herb because it was credited with development of crown chakra, at the top of the head, which balances both hemispheres of brain. This is indeed most potential and most revered amongst other gotu kola health benefits.
Boosting life: The Sri Lankans munched gotu kola leaves to increase longevity. They nursed this habit after observing elephants who chewed these leaves to enhance their life span. Don’t you feel this is one of the wonderful facets in the vast list of the gotu kola health benefits?
Skin Tonic: The compounds in gotu kola help in skin rejuvenation and many of the modern day cosmetic companies include this ingredient in their skin nourishing supplements and try to cash on other related health benefits of gotu kola. Gotu kola was found to be effective in treating cellulite and keloids too.
Helps in distressing: The distressing streak shown by the herb is well-known, that’s why it can be considered as one of the most potential amongst various gotu kola health benefits recounted in this blog. The gotu kola was used to alleviate several stress related disorders because it is rich in compound called triter-pene acids that connects receptors in the brain and soothes the nervous sytem.
Alleviates the complications associated with connective tissue swelling: The modern studies suggest that this is perhaps one of the most potential and underestimated amongst all other gotu kola health benefits. They work great way in alleviating the pains and other complications associated with scleroderma, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis, There are many compounds in the gotu kola, which aids in toning and strengthening the connective tissue.
Aids in blood circulation: This is one of the most celebrated health benefits of gotu kola. The herb helps in regularizing the blood circulation, and treats venous insufficiency (drawing the blood to the veins in the leg).
A powerful leprosy aid: In our opinion this is one of the most celebrated of various gotu kola health benefits, given to the fact that the herb is extensively used in the preparation of the topical, injection and oral leprosy aid medicines. The asiaticoside found in gotu kola was found to have power to damage the leprosy causing bacteria.
Photo Credit Meditation image by Ghostfather from
Gotu kola is a perennial belonging to the parsley family of plants. It has been used since ancient times in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Gotu kola may interact with certain medications, so consult a medical professional before trying to prevent, treat or cure any condition with it.
Gotu kola may help improve memory. According to a study published in 2008 in the "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease," gotu kola supplementation protects neurons in the brain from damage. Specifically in rat models, gotu kola has been found to protect the cells of the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for both short-term and long-term memory as well as spatial navigation.
Gotu kola may be effective as an anti-convulsant, or an anti-seizure agent. A study published in March 2010 in "Epilepsy & Behavior" found that rats given 200 mg per every 2.2 lbs. of body weight with clinically induced seizures displayed fewer convulsions. Gotu kola was found to impact the cholinergic system, a part of the message-sending nervous system, which results in seizures when stimulated.
There is evidence supporting the use of gotu kola for treating cerebral ischemia. Cerebral ischemia is a condition where an insufficient supply of oxygen is available to the brain, resulting in dizziness, slurred speech and a loss of coordination. If sustained over a period of time, cerebral ischemia can also lead to brain damage and death. Gotu kola was found to protect the brain cells of mice from damage from clinically induced cerebral ischemia in a study published in August 2009 in the "Journal of Neuroscience Research."
Gotu kola may help protect against breast cancer. Gotu kola has been associated with cancer-reducing effects in human liver cancer and stomach cancer cells, according to an article published in 2009 in the "African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine." Gotu kola works by attacking cancer cells, resulting in apoptosis, or cell death.
Read more: ....................................................................................................................................................................Gotu kola herb (scientifc name:Centella asiatica) contains two important compounds calledbacoside Aandbacoside Bwhich provide benefits which herbalists refer to as adaptogenic.
The lable adaptogen is applied to a substance which increases the body’s ability to deal with stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. As an adaptogenic herb, the gotu kola herb effects not only include greater energy but also decreased levels of anxiety and nervousness.
Adaptogens have had other names over the years, including tonics, rejuvenating herbs and restoratives. Dr. Nikolai Lazarev chose this word --adaptogen--in the 1940’s, because he felt that herbs and other plants which were described in this way assisted the body to “adapt” to situations which caused stress.
For long ages, before the plant had been subjected to chemical evaluation, traditional healers throughout Asia saw the gotu kola herb effects which resulted in improved healing of wounds . Later, scientific research revealed that the plant displayed definite antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.
In the late 1960’s, Israel I. Brekhman, PhD and Dr. I.V. Dardymov expanded the definition of adaptogens. They determined, that to be classified as an adaptogen, an herb must:
be non-toxic at normal doses,
safe for long term use,
aid the natural defense systems of the body
and have a normalizing effect on human physiology.
In numerous studies gotu kola has passed these tests with flying colors.
This is an important distinction, especially when one considers that virtually all prescription drugs have some kind of side effects. So often the evaluation of a prescription drug involves researchers deciding if the benefit of a drug outweighs the health risks associated with the drug.
Although some people have noted that medicinal herbs can be unsafe if they are not correctly used and that some plants are poisonous, it makes little sense to question the safety of using herbs and plants that have been used as food, teas and flavorings for hundreds or thousands of years. Even at dosages as high as 3000 mg per day, Gotu kola herb effects have all been positive.
Careful studies have revealed that the health benefits of gotu kola include supporting healthy immune system functions. Even more, since this herb helps to “normalize” or balance physiological reactions to stress, it fits the last parts of the definition, as well.
People react to stress in different ways. Some display nervousness or hyperactivity (nail-biting, finger tapping, etc.), and in other cases they lack energy and exhaustion sets in quickly. In either case, an adaptogenic herb such as gotu kola proves to be helpful.
For most people the benefits of gotu kola are noticed immediately. Sometimes with just the first dose, people notice improved energy without the jittery kind of nervousness that is experienced with caffeine or other stimulants. In Thailand an afternoon “pick me up” could come from chewing a few gotu kola leaves.
Bacoside A, which is one of the components contributing to gotu kola herb effects, has been shown in scientific studies to contribute to the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide acts within the human body to allow the arteries and veins to relax so that blood flows more freely.
This likely explains the traditional use of the juice from the gotu kola leaves to relieve high blood pressure. Knowing this, it is evident that the health benefits of gotu kola can be extensive since many health problems, ranging from heart disease to chronic fatigue and even erectile dysfunction, can be related to poor circulation.
Bacoside B is a protein that nourishes brain cells. The benefits of gotu kola which most people have heard of include improved memory. Add to that the combination of improved circulation and increased nourishment to the brain, it's not surprising to discover many reports that gotu kola improves overall mental clarity, attention to detail and even level of confidence.
Because of the many gotu kola herb effects in the human body, it is not surprising to discover that some of the best daily health supplements which aim at promote a longer healthier life contain this herb.
Although Gotu kola is not be the the magical “fountain of youth” which men have sought to find over the ages, it certainly has a place in a well-balanced daily diet.
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