Saturday, November 3, 2012

Health benefits of Chlorella

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Health Benefits of Chlorella

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Uploaded on Mar 11, 2011 Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses detoxification and chlorella.
..................................................................................................................................................................  ..................................................................................................................................................................The detoxification capability of chlorella is due to its unique cell wall and the material associated with it. The cell walls of chlorella have been shown to have three layers of which the thicker middle layer contains cellulose microfibrils." 

Clinical studies and medical researches have showed that toxins such as arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, insecticides, cadmium, uranium, P.C.B, radio actives materials etc. have been successfully detoxified from the human body; chlorella cell walls binding to and absorbing these toxics substances and then escorting them safely out of the body.    .                                                                                                                                                        ....         Deterioration of the immune function, which eventually allows cancer cells to multiply, may begin with allergens in foods or air, and with poor food choices. It may result from heavy metals, viral or fungal agents, chlorine, nicotine and other chemical toxins, x-rays, radioactive and electromagnetic elements. It may also result from stress, negative attitudes, or any other influence that taxes the immune system beyond its capacity to respond to it. 
Most healers further agree that any influence which weakens the functional capacity of our liver increases our risk of cancer.
When the liver fails to process all the toxic materials that are brought to it, toxins back up in our immune system, which then loses its capacity to deal with more toxic influences.
Cancer represents the most extreme form of nutritional collapse. It starts to develop when oxygen uptake is inhibited and red blood cells deteriorate (15). 

 Studies have shown that the hot water extract of Chlorella stimulates macrophage, interferon, B cell and T cell production resulting in anti-tumor, anti-bacteria and anti-viral properties and effects.         ........................................................................................                                                                                ...             DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are our nucleic acids. The high DNA and RNA content of chlorella supplies our body with nucleic acids for cell rejuvenation. Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of "Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease", found that deteriorating cells can be rejuvenated if they are provided with substances that directly nourish them.                                                                                                                   .

Superfood Profile: Discover the Many Health Benefits of Chlorella

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 by: Elizabeth Walling

Learn more:    (NaturalNews) With the quality of commercially-grown produce declining rapidly, obtaining nutritious fruits and vegetables is not an easy task. Few of us eat enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis; it's a fact that grows more true with each generation. So how do we answer these issues, knowing the bounty of nutrients we're missing? One solution is chlorella, a green single-cell algae that packs a huge nutritious punch.

Chlorella is an astounding package of complete nutrition, considering it is such a simple life form, which is probably why it is often referred to as nature's multivitamin. The synergistic nature of chlorella's nutrients is undeniable. All of its natural properties function together in a way individual supplements can't touch. Chlorella is famous for providing a vast array of benefits while fighting numerous diseases and conditions.

Vitamins. Chlorella is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. And chlorella provides these nutrients in a whole food bundle which is far superior to any manufactured formula. Be aware, however, that many experts are now saying the vitamin B12 in chlorella is not highly bioavailable, so other sources should remain in the diet.

Minerals. Like most dark green veggies, chlorella is packed with highly beneficial magnesium, which improves blood sugar levels, heart health, mental health and relaxation to name a few. Chlorella also contains other important minerals like potassium, iron and calcium.

Amino Acids. Chlorella is a rich source of protein with a balance of important amino acids, including all of the essential ones which the body can't manufacture. These aminos are responsible for rebuilding the body's lean tissues and neurotransmitters, and contribute greatly to many functions in the body.

Chlorophyll. This green pigment not only gives chlorella its color, but it also provides many health benefits. Chlorophyll can improve immunity, alkalinity, and inflammation - it can even fight bad breath.

Detoxification. These days, toxins come at us from every possible angle: food, air, water, beauty products, cleaning supplies and even clothing. It's important to give the body what it needs to detox from all the harmful substances it encounters each day. Chlorella has an amazing ability to bind with toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, and move them swiftly out of the body. These benefits are powerful and can have a definite positive impact on our health.

Digestion. Chlorella promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system. This is essential for good digestion and overall health, and also makes chlorella effective for fighting candida and yeast overgrowth. Its anti-inflammatory benefits can also work to heal the digestive system.

Energy. A nourished, healthy body is full of energy and vitality. Many people report increased energy and elevated mood after using chlorella. Nothing can compare to the way it feels to be powered by a true superfood.

Cancer. Chlorella is known for its remarkable cancer-fighting benefits, possibly because it is rich in natural carotenoids, which can prevent oxidation (a leading cause behind cancer and heart disease). Paired with its detoxifying nature and ability to nourish the immune system, chlorella is a natural anti-carcinogenic agent.

Diabetes. In preliminary studies, chlorella can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels over time. This can prevent and improve conditions like diabetes and insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome). It is also thought that chlorella may guard against side effects of diabetes such as vision loss.

Fibromyalgia. Many have reported chlorella reduces pain associated with fibromyalgia. In one study, participants with fibromyalgia who consumed 10 grams of chlorella daily noticed a definite improvement in general symptoms and quality of life.

Heart Disease. Studies have demonstrated that chlorella can improve triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, and may also benefit those with high blood pressure. These factors, combined with chlorella's strong antioxidant properties, may provide effective protection against heart disease.

Obesity. Chlorella's unique properties may also have the ability to lower overall body fat. One 2008 Japanese study showed chlorella can reduce body fat percentages. This may be due to its ability to aid fat metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity. Plus, when we replace nutritionally empty foods with powerful superfoods like chlorella, the body tends to crave less junk food because it feels more nourished.

Tips for Using Chlorella:

- Chlorella is at its best in pure powder form without any kind of binding agents or additives. However, tablets are acceptable if you can't find a way to work the powder into your routine. Look for broken cell wall chlorella, which has been processed to make the nutrients in chlorella more digestible.

- Find a pure source of chlorella. Poor production methods can result in a contaminated product, and there are some manufacturers who use high-heat processing which destroys many of the benefits of chlorella. Do your research and find a reputable manufacturer of high-quality chlorella.

- The typical maintenance dose for chlorella is 3-6 grams per day. However, much higher dosages can be used to fight existing degenerative conditions and for heavy metal detox (as much as 20-30 grams per day). Since quality chlorella is a whole superfood, it is generally safe to take in large doses.

- Some people find they need to start small and gradually increase the dosage as their body adjusts to chlorella. Start with as little as 500 mg per day and add more as slowly as needed.

- Avoid chlorella if you are on anticoagulant drugs like warfarin (because of the vitamin K, which acts as a clotting agent).

For More Information About Chlorella:

Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D., and Cynthia A. Andre, MSc., "A Review of Recent Clinical Trials of the Nutritional Supplement Chlorella pyrenoidosa in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, and Ulcerative Colitis", May/June 2001, Vol. 7., No. 3, pgs. 79-91.

For Information About Blue-Green Algae and Spirulina:

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   Health benefits of Chlorella
Chlorella is one of the most researched whole foods

 In order to illustrate the complete scientific research that has been done on Chlorella, in the Foreword of "Chlorella Natural Medicinal Algae", Dr. David Steeblock, B.S., M. Sc., D.O wrote:

" As you can see from the small number of pages and the large number of references, only the highlights of the scientific research have been included but I would estimate that it includes at least 98% of all the clinically useful information one needs in order to understand and utilize this substance effectively. This book is intended for the intelligent layman and health practitioner looking for answers in regard to preventing and reversing health problems. I hope that this book will serve to educate the public of the benefits of chlorella and that the public discovers its usefulness so that each and everyone may live a long and healthy life"
chlorella studies  
Chlorella and detoxification
"Detoxification refers to the removal of toxic substances from the body. These substances are either poisons that have entered from the outside of the person such as occurs in pesticide poisoning or may occur from within the body, e.g., when the colon contains bacteria that produce toxic substances or as a result of inefficient metabolism of the body as a whole.

The detoxification capability of chlorella is due to its unique cell wall and the material associated with it. The cell walls of chlorella have been shown to have three layers of which the thicker middle layer contains cellulose microfibrils."

Clinical studies and medical researches have showed that toxins such as arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, insecticides, cadmium, uranium, P.C.B, radio actives materials etc. have been successfully detoxified from the human body; chlorella cell walls binding to and absorbing these toxics substances and then escorting them safely out of the body.

 These toxins commonly found in nearly everything we ingest, touch and breathe create various diseases and disorders, including allergies, skin reactions, cancer etc.

Cadmium, for example, is suspected of contributing to high blood pressure and atherosclerosis,(30),(31), and to take responsability in the activation of blood clotting. This is one of the reason why the air from cigarette smoke, filled with cadmium, is so toxic to second-hand smokers.
"The clinical usefulness of Chlorella to detoxify cadmium was shown by a scientific study by Hagino,, (71)who demonstrated increased excretion of cadmium in persons suffering from "Itai-itai (cadmium poisoning).
Dr. Ichimura has reported that he gave 8 grams daily of chlorella to patients suffering from pain caused by cadmium poisoning and that he obtained good results. When chlorella was given for 12 days, cadmium in the excretions of the patients increased 3 times over the baseline. After 24 days of chlorella the cadmium in the urine has decreased 7 times greater than baseline and the pain of the patients was markedly reduced.

Pesticides, Insecticides, P.C.B. Removed

Chlorella has been used to detoxify people suffering from P.C.B. exposure (polychlorbiphenyl). Doctor Ueda of the Kitakyushu City Institute for Environmental Pollution Research in Japan gave 30 patients who suffered from P.C.B. exposure, daily doses of 4-6 grams of Chlorella for a one year period. As a result almost all improved (less tired, better digestion, normal bowel movements).

Beside P.C.B., chlordecone (kepone), another very harmful chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, has been shown to be removed more than twice as fast from the body when Chlorella is taken by mouth."

"Chlorella Natural Medicinal Algae" by Dr. David Steeblock, B.S., M. Sc., D.O
Chlorella, an immune system booster?
A hundred years ago only 1 in 30 people died of cancer! Between that time and today critical factors to health have drastically changed, and unfortunately, cancer has become a familiar occurence to us. Exposure to environmental toxins from foods, water and air has risen exponentially, and has sadly become a part of our daily biology. Healers generally agree that cancer initially results from a combination of malnutrition and body toxins, leading to cancer cells in the body. But rather than treating a localized tumorous manifestation, a wiser approach is to address the entire body nutritionally and to thoroughly detoxify it in order to have a chance to permanently reverse cancer.

Deterioration of the immune function, which eventually allows cancer cells to multiply, may begin with allergens in foods or air, and with poor food choices. It may result from heavy metals, viral or fungal agents, chlorine, nicotine and other chemical toxins, x-rays, radioactive and electromagnetic elements. It may also result from stress, negative attitudes, or any other influence that taxes the immune system beyond its capacity to respond to it.
Most healers further agree that any influence which weakens the functional capacity of our liver increases our risk of cancer.
When the liver fails to process all the toxic materials that are brought to it, toxins back up in our immune system, which then loses its capacity to deal with more toxic influences.
Cancer represents the most extreme form of nutritional collapse. It starts to develop when oxygen uptake is inhibited and red blood cells deteriorate (15). 

 Studies have shown that the hot water extract of Chlorella stimulates macrophage, interferon, B cell and T cell production resulting in anti-tumor, anti-bacteria and anti-viral properties and effects.
  • T-cells are active against viruses and cancer;
  • B-cell are active against fighting bacteria;
  • stimulation of macrophages increases cancer cell destruction as well as removal of foreign proteins and chemicals;
  • interferon is a natural secretion of the body and is thought to be a physiological stimulator of macrophages (2,7,8).
  • The stimulation of macrophages increases cancer cell destruction as well as the removal of foreign proteins and chemicals. This is an important property since there are a limited number of macrophages in the body, allowing just so much removal of harmful substances from the blood. This shows the capacity of Chlorella to prevent not only cancer or pre-cancerous conditions, but other diseases associated with viral infections as well.
boosting the immune system  

Because of the broad nutritional profile of this natural wonder food, Chlorella could be the healing and energy food to prevent or inhibit the spread of cancer.
Thousands of papers about nutrition have related the effects of vitamin A and beta-carotene to strenghten the immune system and as an alternative cancer prevention and treatment. 
They have shown that people who eat plenty of green food and yellow vegetables have fewer cancers, due to the high vitamin A content of these foods. In addition, when high doses of vitamin A are combined with radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer, the treatment dose of radiation can be reduced by 50% and the patient can tolerate larger doses with fewer side effects (5).

Beta-carotene has been shown to destroy cancer cells and to enhance macrophage production of the tumor necrosis factor and of the helper T-cell stimulator, interleukin I. Beta-carotene works synergistically with vitamin E as an antioxidant to stop cancer in its initial stages.
Extract of algae were also studied and were shown to be more effective than just beta-carotene, causing the Harvard group to speculate that other factors are to be found in algae that give algae more anti-tumor effects than can be esplained by the beta-carotene content alone (9)(2).

By stimulating the body's immune defenses, the wonder food Chlorella provides the body with extra ammunition so it can fight cancer more effectively. However Chlorella is not an anti-cancer treatment in itself but rather is a safe, alternative cancer treatment and potent adjunctive aid, working best with conventional treatments. Studies have indicated that, as a "biological response modifier", the green food Chlorella can provide critical health benefits to people weakened by illness, severe treatments and a suppressed immune system, improving their life, without interfering with the effectiveness of conventional cancer therapies, and possibly reducing future reccurences of viral infections that have escaped surgery or chemotherapy.

Some nutritionists have recommended that people who have cancer take as much as 20 to 30 grams of Chlorella per day, as well as CGF, extract of Chlorella.However, it is strongly recommended that a nutrition-oriented physician monitor the specific dose and application of Chlorella in each individual case. 
Advantage from the wonders of Nature with Chlorella
Chlorella with to its dense nutritional profile, contains a wide spectrum of healing nutrients-such as vitamin A, C, E, beta carotene, chlorophyll and C.G.F, to name a few- that could help to prevent and treat a wide spectrum of diseases. Most of these diseases are caused by nutrient deficiencies affecting all of us, in our present era of mega-commercialization and food processing.
 At Kyushu University Medical College in Japan, chlorella was given to five patients who were previously taking conventional medicine, including antibiotics, and who showed resistance to healing. In three cases, their wounds healed in less than three months, while two of the more serious cases took about two months to heal.

Under optimum sunlight and fertile conditions, each chlorella cell multiplies into four new cells within 24 hours, which in turn continuously multiply into four new cells daily etc. It is this unusual characteristic of photosynthesis, as well as its composition that give chlorella its outstanding healing properties. By providing us with all necessary nutrients to live a healthy life chlorella builds a layer of protection for our body's defense.
 wonders of nature

Because of the size of chlorella and our red blood cell as well as the characteristics of chlorophyll and our hemoglobin presenting similarities,clinical observation have demonstrated chlorella to fortify the blood, giving it the name of "vegetal blood".

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are our nucleic acids. The high DNA and RNA content of chlorella supplies our body with nucleic acids for cell rejuvenation. Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of "Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease", found that deteriorating cells can be rejuvenated if they are provided with substances that directly nourish them.

By helping the body to stay well supplied with nucleic acids, Dr. Frank has found that you can look and feel six to twelve years younger than you actually are! When using foods high in DNA and RNA content Dr. Benjamin Frank also discovered that health problems such as heart disease, emphysema, arthritis, memory loss, vision deterioration and depression would disappear!
Among testimonials of rejuvenating experiences, clearing of the mind, high level of energy, well being, clearance of bad breath including morning breath, younger and smoother looking skin, flatter stomach, enhanced sexual energy, have been reported.
Below are some of the volunteers' comments that were reported following a 6 weeks study at the Aging Research Institute with a dosage of 15 tablets per day (2) 

  • "helped the vaginal yeast problem" 
  • "My hands and feet were cold before, but the tablets helped them get warmer" 
  • "I have decreased cravings for sweets"
  • "My hair is no longer dry and has been improved" 
  • "reduced foods cravings, heart burn, and bad breath" 
  • "reduced headaches" 
  • "feel more alert, better memory, improved energy"
  • "reduced coating on my tongue" 
  • "reduced day sleepiness" 
  • "cleaned up the tarter on my teeth" (patient chewed the tablets).

    "Chlorella Natural Medicinal Algae" by Dr. David Steeblock, B.S., M. Sc., D.O

    Our modern lifestyle commonly including a diet rich in meats and fat; stress and pollution, our body tends to become acidic. Also as our body ages, it becomes less efficient to retain water, sodium and potassium which also contribute it to be more acidic, thus allowing diseases to occur. Being one of the most alkaline foods chlorella is known to have the ability to balance the pH level and therefore to neutralize the body from a less acidic to a slightly alkaline form. 

    Through hundreds of clinical studies and medical observations, the healing properties and health benefits of chlorella have been reported to treat the following:
    Allergies, anemia, asthma, cold, cold sores, flu, bad breath, body odors, acne and skin problems, burns, wound healing, pyorrhea (bleeding of the gums and loose teeth), pneumonia, P.M.S, herpes simplex, stress, eczema, jet lag, fibrous cysts, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus syndrome, mononucleosis, yeast Candida problems, seizures, hypoglycemia, hypertension, hormone imbalance, withdrawals from drug addiction, alcohol hangover prevention, detoxification, liver toxicity, bowel and colon toxicity, constipation, cholesterol, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis (9), diabetes, heart disease, cancer, anti-viral, gout, arthritis, obesity, sciatica, sinusitis and nasal congestion, emphysema, AIDS, degenerative illnesses associated with aging, Alzheimer's, attention deficit disorder, growth and development of children.

    A few References representative of the researched, scientific health benefits and effects observed with the use of Chlorella have been included in this site.        
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